Monday, November 3, 2008

I appeal to my fellow Americans

My Fellow American Voters:

Ask yourselves some questions. Is America ready for a far left radical, liberal, anti-white, Muslim sympathist in the White House? Instead of that, I keep hearing this question. Is America ready for a black President? Black, black, black. That’s all the Media wants to talk about. By the way, I believe we are, but certainly not Barack Obama. Does that make me a racist? I know otherwise, but I’m sure that many would be happy to label me that, after all, I just worry about about Gangsta Rap music in the White House, black people dancing in the White House Halls wearing kofia’s and dashiki’s right? I probably think that the Presidential Cadillac is going to be phased out for a blinged up Bentley with 19” rims and gold spinners. After all, I am the typical white guy. To the contrary, I could care less about any of that, I’m just not that guy. I don’t think we are ready for extremist Liberalism regardless of the skin tone. The “Majority” of folks in our Country are Centrist regardless of what the media and polls tell us every evening. Remember that word “Majority”? That is who is supposed to rule. I think many have forgotten that in this age of bowing down to minorities and special interest groups.

The scariest part of an Obama Presidency has nothing to do with his skin color, does it? The past associations do not just “go away” once the polls close. Does anyone really believe Rev. Wright, Father Flager, Loius Farrakhan, Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Frank Marshall Davis, the list goes on and on, that these sculptors of Obama’s upcoming are just going disappear into the shadows? Why do we tell our children not to hang around with the wrong crowd? Isn’t it because we don’t want their attitudes and morals shaped by the bad behavior, immorality, and radical ideology of others? It would be the wildest stretch of our imagination to believe that these guys aren’t going to have a hand in an Obama Administration.

While Obama would choose to keep the previously mentioned riff-raff behind the scenes, the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would surely be socially acceptable for some photo ops, and policy making access.. These two, for whatever reason, seem to be favorites of the mainstream media any time the race card needs to be played. What do either of them really have to show for 30 plus years of “Community Service”, other than out-and-out race-baiting and preying on white guilt? They have done far more to keep black people down than they have to build them up. Notice that I am not afraid to say black people. I do not believe in hyphenated Americans. We are all Americans, first, last, period. If you want to be African, move to Africa, there’s plenty more space over there anyway. Do we really want these guys to have the ear of our next President? Don’t they get enough media attention as it stands? Put Obama in the Oval Office and these two will be in our face at every opportunity.

Who keeps bringing up race? Well, it’s the Obama campaign and the Mainstream Press. It is not the bitter white people clinging to their guns and religion. We are not allowed to do it, remember? We can’t talk about his ears, his friends, his wife, his past associations with unrepentant terrorists, his faith, his birthplace, his pastor, his college years, his qualifications or lack thereof, on and on and on. Mention any of those things, you’re a racist. Here we are, right back at the white guilt mentality, suppress the opposition by capitalizing on their fear of being labeled racist. This has been a clever strategy and very effective cover for his campaign. But it also illustrates the person he really is and how he will govern if elected. It is also the reason that no one has a clue as to who this guy really is. It can’t be discussed and without that discussion, the facts will never be revealed. They like to talk about George Bush and his veil of secrecy the past 8 Years, but George Bush is an open book when compared to Obama.

You see, I refuse to let myself be effected by this whole race issue. I’m a 42 year old white guy who grew up in a predominately black neighborhood in Baltimore MD. I’ve been called cracker, whitey, white bread, honkey, and every other slang name that a white person can be called. I’ve used the “N” word and been called the same. We played together and fought together. We served together in the Military. I tend to have a little different perspective than most white people having shared most of my youth with black people. I am no more or no less prejudice than they are. I also do not suffer from any form of white guilt whatsoever. My ancestors were in Germany when American whites owned slaves here in this country, yet I don’t refer to myself as a German- American despite my lineage. Therefore, I do not believe I owe a thing to anyone, other than a polite “Hello, how are you, have a nice day.” Anything else I choose to contribute will be done via private charities or my Church, which brings me to the most disturbing thing about an Obama Presidency.

As Americans, we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Note that we have the right to a “pursuit” of happiness. We are not guaranteed happiness in itself. We are guaranteed the pursuit thereof. That means we are expected to work for it. Some work harder than others. Some will always have more than others. This is the most generous nation on the planet and has become so by our choosing. No one has ever told the people of the United States that we have to give our riches to anyone, yet we have done so of our own choosing for over 230 years. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. Along comes Obama, the most Merciful, and all of a sudden we have to “change”. Over the last two weeks we have learned what change really means.

“Change” means to take from those who have and give to those who do not. It cannot be stated more simply. Joe the Plumber, who, they claim, technically isn’t a “real” plumber, opened this huge can of worms and now all I hear is Socialism this and Socialism that. Why am I hearing that? Because, in the simplest form, that is exactly what it is. Obama will control who has what going forward and there’s not a thing we can do about it for at least 4 years. The Democrats, having the majority, will sign off on anything the Great One puts before them. George can just work some overtime down at the plant to cover what we need to give to John because he only makes minimum wage. Never mind that George spent $80,000 on his College Education so that he could make that 30 bucks an hour. Never mind that George started at the bottom and worked his way up over the last 15 years. That no longer matters because Lord Barack wants John to have the same “opportunity” that George does. It’s a classic case of the haves vs. the have-nots, the same old “Two Americas” garbage that John Edwards and John Kerry liked to mouth off about. It didn't work for them either.

But wait you say, George only makes $30 per hour. That’s only $62K per year. Obama’s not going to raise his taxes. He would have to make $250K for Obama to raise his taxes. Wrong , wrong, wrong again. When the Bush tax cuts expire, the percentage of taxes paid will return to the previously higher rate. What does that mean? George’s taxes go up! Obama can say he didn’t “raise the tax’, but he won’t be able to say that the tax rate didn’t go up. It’s all typical Democratic Party semantics. Don’t forget that most of these politicians were lawyers first. They have word mastery down to a science. Obama is a Socialist and there is plenty of evidence if you’re not too lazy to look for it. The Democratic Party is all about Socialism. Keep them on their asses by sending them a check. As long as the checks keep coming and getting bigger, we keep getting the votes. I argue that if there is indeed two Americas, then it is those of us who work hard vs. those who work little or not at all. That could be the two Americas they like to preach about.

Here is yet another of my favorite media-ignored topics regarding King Obama. It’s bad enough that he supports no limitations on abortions of any kind, but to let an infant human being lie in a waste basket full of bloody towels until he or she dies is incomprehensible to me. This is okay in Barack’s view because the baby was supposed to be aborted in the first place. It doesn’t matter to him that somehow the baby survived. How can anyone claim to be a Christian, much less a human being, when they support this type of heartless cruelty? We already know how he feels about babies anyway. After all, he is the one who said that “If one of my daughters made a mistake, I wouldn’t want them punished with a baby”. This issue alone should be a game-breaker and it would be if, like all of the other issues, it were reported. I’m not saying it was never mentioned in the MSM, but it was never fully reported. John McCain could fart in public and it would dominate the news cycle for 10 days, non stop, but the Obamessiah can let botched-aborted infants die in a bloody pile of towels and the press looks the other way.

Now if past radical associations, race baiting, infanticide, and Socialistic Ideology aren’t enough for you, let’s look at the courts. Obama will more than likely get to pick at least two Supreme Court Justices. If you believe we have been losing our rights over the past 3 decades, wait until you see what is in store for us over the next 3 decades. Are you happy that the Court has stripped us of our right to pray? Do you like it that we can’t say the words Christmas or Easter anymore? Do you enjoy seeing God stripped from every institution in this country, while Muslims are getting tax-payer funded prayer rooms and foot washing basins. Our children can no longer sit at a tax-payer funded school lunch table and eat a ham sandwich because it offends the Muslims. Pretty pathetic you say?

Well what do think Obama is going to do to stop this double standard? I know the answer. He will appoint two more far left-leaning nuts and we will have a liberal majority not only in the Executive and Legislative branches, but in the Judiciary as well. That equates to no more checks and balances, which in turn, will be the end of the United States of America as what it was meant to be and as we have always known it. I did not put my life on the line during the first Gulf War only to watch my beloved Country destroyed before my very eyes 15 years later. If Americans do not wake up to this masquerade of elegant speaking and rah-rah speeches, they will surely wake up when even more of their liberties have been stripped away. Once they get their eyes fully opened and that first cup of latte slugged down, they will see that the country they once knew is long gone.

So, what’s my last minute appeal to my fellow Americans? Forget about everything George Bush did wrong. I voted for the guy twice. I’m thankful that he has kept our country safe for the last seven years. If that’s all he accomplished, I’ll take it. He has made a lot of mistakes. So did the great Bill Clinton. All of our Presidents do. I’ve listened to “Bush was wrong” for 6 years now. Wake up folks, Bush has been vindicated. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, and the rest of the Democrat Party are the ones who were wrong. They all voted against Iraq and the surge. They said it couldn’t be done, the surge wouldn’t work, we couldn’t win, we had been defeated. Well guess what? The surge has exceeded all expectations and we have essentially won the war in Iraq. Again, you won’t hear it on the Mainstream Media, but the truth is out there if you aren’t too lazy to look for it. John McCain, at the very least, will protect our country. He is not my ideal candidate, but he is certainly the safe bet. We do need change, but we do not need to totally re-shape this Nation into something that will take 25 years to undo. The Constitution has worked just fine so far. It will continue to serve us well far into the future. It works so well because it was meant to be tamper-resistant. Again, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it, but Obama has admitted that he wants to “fix” it.

I could continue writing about this guy for a hundred pages. I am not a reporter, an editor, or an English Professor. I just write as I think it. I may have poor grammar, sentence structure, etc. I don’t apologize for that. I’m certain the Democrats would love to chalk it up to Public Education and throw a few trillion dollars more at that system. I just wanted to make a last ditch appeal at the average, every day working guy. That is who I relate to because that is what I am. I urge you think about one thing when you go to cast your ballot. Ask yourself who Obama is? Chances are, you really have no idea. Will you entrust your future, and that of your family, to someone you know absolutely nothing about?

It sounds cliché, but would you really get on an airplane in bad weather with a pilot that has never flown one? I say bad weather because our economy represents some pretty bad weather right now. How can Obama be an expert on the economy when he has no experience with economics? It’s the same thing with the pilot scenario. Bad weather kills even the most experienced pilots. Amateurs have little chance. It’s the same thing with this election. We only get one chance in either of these situations. Why are gun sales going through the roof? Is it because people fear that Obama will not allow them to buy guns in the future? Is it because they fear race riots should Obama lose? Could it be that they fear we might need to take our government back at some point in the near future? I don’t remember this happening with any other candidate in my adult life. There has to be a reason for it.

Finally, I am not going to divulge my real name in closing. I have seen what was done to Joe the Plumber and I refuse to expose my family to the Democratic Hit Squad. I would happily take any one of them on face to face, man to man. They, however, do not operate that way. It is all done cowardly and behind the scenes, ell orchestrated and in great numbers. If someone did to me what was done to Joe, I would likely end up in prison because I am one of those who cling to my guns and religion, but with my religion comes hope and optimism for our future. Like Ronald Reagan, I believe America’s best days are still ahead. We just need the right leadership that will stay on the course that our founding fathers set out on some 221 years ago. So when you go to the polls tomorrow, again, ask yourself just 3 very simple yet basic questions. Who is this guy? What has he done to earn this? Would I trust this guy with my life? It really is that simple.


Carl the Analyst